Updated: jQuery Animating Same-Page #Links Bugs
- published:
- 2009.01.18
- topics:
- javascript
Hey, read this first: There has been I'm sure many further enhancements since my patches. I'd check up on the smooth scroll github project hosted by Karl Swedberg. He is the original author of the code that I patched and has been maintaining everything.
Update: I have developed a potential fix for the Opera bug Karl Swedberg discussed in his comment on this post. Update #2: I've made further changes after Karl's second comment.
When designing this site I decided I wanted to animate smoothly scrolling to same-page #links, such as my link to the moon. I decided to use the "improved" version of the animated scrolling code originally written by Karl Swedberg. I've since found two fixed three bugs with this code. Read the rest of this post for the details and fixes.
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