3… 2… 1… We have ignition!


zachstronaut is blasting off into the year 2009. I am Zachary Johnson, and welcome to my website. I've launched various web sites going back to 1996, but I didn't have a place to post my many thoughts and projects in geek and software niches such as web design, web application development, and video game experimentation. Now I have that place.

This web site is an important component in my pursuit of several professional and life goals. And, since it's quite early in 2009, I'd like to adopt a New Year's Resolution of my good friend and business partner Paul Armstrong:

Help the collective improvement of the web.

This means several things to me. It means writing much more about what I know (or think I know) about the web. It also means teaching others. John Resig, the creator of jQuery, wrote a great article on the responsibility of web developers to submit framework and browser bug reports. I think that's an important part, too.

What I believe is most important is making connections. I've made some amazing connections at the University of Minnesota where I work: we've developed a collaborative community for web professionals from the ground up. Lately I've been connecting with brilliant people both inside and outside of the U of M world through Twitter. Now with zachstronaut launched, I finally have a place to post examples, ideas, explanations, and anything else that requires more than 140 characters to explain. I hope this website will allow me to connect with many more people, including you!

While the web will be a major theme on my site, as I alluded to in the opening paragraph above, it won't be the only topic. If you'd like more insight into my interests and plans for zachstronaut, you can read the About page. You can expect articles on a wide range of things, as well as various projects I am working on, including a few I've posted for launch:

Follow me on Twitter, bookmark the site, subscribe to my RSS feed, or send me an email. I hope we can connect, because I've got a lot more to share this year.