
Topic: css

Pure CSS Map Markers


I was feeling inspired after seeing the cool pure CSS pulsing rings on the Transmit 4 website that launched this morning so I put together this demo. (Did you notice the rings? You had to browse there with Safari to see them.)

Check out my pure CSS map markers live demo in Safari or Chrome.

CSS3 Shining Text, CSS2 Flaming Text - Updated


Update: The CSS2 text-shadow property sure is versatile. If you combine it with some CSS3 animations you can create a pretty decent vanishing smokey text effect.

A few months ago I made a fun flaming text effect simply by using some JavaScript and the good old CSS2 property text-shadow. I posted it on Twitter but never got around to posting it here. Today I pulled together another text effect, shining text, by using CSS3 properties and animation. I thought I'd cover both in one post.

Flaming Text Using CSS2 text-shadow

Now we're cooking with gas.

Most readers should see the previous line of text on fire since it just uses the CSS2 property text-shadow. If you don't see that you're probably using Internet Explorer or something. Do note, there's no use of images, and the text is still selectable.

The key to this effect is using multiple text shadows applied to the same text, each with a different color, position, and blur.

text-shadow: color1 x1 y1 blur1, color2 x2 y2 blur2, …;

Then you just jostle them around with some JavaScript. Open my flaming text example and view source. There's not a lot to it.

Shining Text Using CSS3 WebKit Properties

Check out the shine on this.

To see this effect, you're going to have to check it out in Safari, Chrome, or WebKit. Again, this effect uses no images and the text is selectable, and this time there isn't even any JavaScript involved. If you have an iPhone, the above effect is remarkably similar to the "slide to unlock" text animation on your lock screen.

This effect is created through a combination of a CSS3 gradient in the background, a CSS3 background clipping property which clips the background to the text, and a CSS3 animation to move the background gradient. I was inspired by a demo done by Trent Walton, and took it to the next level by removing the use of any image files. Open my shining text example and view source.

The background gradient is created with the -webkit-gradient CSS3 property. Firefox 3.6 added support for CSS gradients to the Firefox browser family.

The animation is created with a CSS3 animation. You can read more about these in Safari's Visual Effects Guide. CSS3 animations and transitions are on their way to Firefox 3.7.

The "trick" CSS property here to complete this effect is the CSS3 property -webkit-background-clip. This defines the region to which the CSS background property will be clipped. By using transparent or semi-transparent text and -webkit-background-clip: text I can make the background gradient only visible where the text is.

Welp, that's about it. I hope you found it enjoyable. Happy hacking!

New Project: Winternetizer, Web 2.snow


My latest project is a little "Web Two-Point-Snow" fun I put together as my personal holiday gift to the internet, or should I say winternet… winternet? Ok, I'll stop. Anyway, the Winternetizer adds festive, fancy, 100% Flash-free flakes of falling snow to any website.

You'll have a much better experience using a browser that Santa has on his Nice List such as Safari, Firefox 3.5+, or Chrome. In fact, in those browsers, I'd go so far as to say the snow looks so real you will find yourself flopping on the ground to make snow angels. Give it a try now before you read about the super cool technical details behind it:

(Incidentally, you can also add the JavaScript directly to your own site to delight your visitors. The Winternetizer project page has details.)

The Secrets to Better Snow

Yes, it is true that falling snow scripts go back probably over a decade. We've all seen it done using falling snowflake GIFs, or falling periods, or the trusty asterisk (which to be fair, is a great six-sided stand-in for an actual flake).

However, if you have a modern browser, you will have noticed that my falling snow script has depth-of-field blurring and parallax, flakes that rotate as they fall, and you lucky Mac users no doubt noticed the pretty actual snowflake graphics. The total effect is accomplished with text, CSS, and JavaScript — no Flash, no PNGs, no GIFs, no Canvas.

Winternetizer, Web 2.snow


Add festive and 100% Flash-free falling flakes of snow to any web site. Friend of the winternet using Firefox 3.5+, Safari, or Chrome will enjoy fancy depth-of-field and rotation effects accomplished entirely with CSS and a little JavaScript!

Demo: "3D" JavaScript Tile Flipping Photo Gallery


FlipBox is another LightBox clone (a JavaScript photo gallery tool) where the new twist is a fun "3D" tile flipping animation effect. It is much easier to demonstrate than to explain, so I decided to do my first screencast with audio (be gentle!) so I could show you what FlipBox is all about. Incidentally, Mac OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard has a great free screen capture tool built into QuickTime. Sorry in advance if the volume is a little low. Real action starts at 0:45:

More About FlipBox

FlipBox is jQuery-based and makes use of my rotate3Di plugin to create a 3D-like isometric tile flipping effect using the CSS3 transform property currently only supported by Safari, Chrome, and Firefox 3.5+. (That's another reason why I wanted to record a video demo.) If you happen to have an awesome web browser, you can check out a live demo of FlipBox.

In it's current state, with only a little preparation by the user, FlipBox is already a simple to use LightBox-like tool. There's a few other demos with this concept I hope to put together, and I would also like to write proper documentation and do a release.